# Free Overleaf Ldap Implementation This repo contains an improved, free ldap authentication and authorisation for sharelatex/[overleaf](https://github.com/overleaf/overleaf) community edition. Currently this repo uses sharelatex:latest. The inital idea for this implementation was taken from [worksasintended](https://github.com/worksasintended). ### Limitations: This implementation uses *no* ldap bind user - it tries to bind to the ldap (using ldapts) with the uid and credentials of the user which tries to login. Only valid LDAP users or email users registered by an admin can login. This module authenticates against the local DB if `ALLOW_EMAIL_LOGIN` is set to `true` if this fails it tries to authenticate against the specified LDAP server. *Note:* - LDAP Users can not change their password for the ldap username login. They have to change it at the ldap server. - LDAP Users can reset their local db password. Then they can decide if they login with either their ldap user and password or with their email and local db password. - Users can not change their email. The email address is taken from the ldap server (mail) field. (or by invitation through an admin). This ldap mail field has to contain a valid mail address. Firstname and lastname are taken from the fields "givenName" and "sn". If you want to use different fields change the code in AuthenticationManager.js lines 297-299. - Admins can invite non ldap users directly (via email). Additionally (``link sharing`` of projects is possible). *Important:* Sharelatex/Overleaf uses the email address to identify users: If you change the email in the LDAP you have to update the corresponding field in the mongo db. ``` docker exec -it mongo /bin/bash mongo use sharelatex db.users.find({email:"EMAIL"}).pretty() db.users.update({email : OLDEMAIL},{$set: { email : NEWEMAIL}}); ``` ## Configuration ### Domain Configuration Edit the [.env](.env) file ``` MYDOMAIN=example.com MYMAIL=email@example.com MYDATA=/data ``` *MYDATA* is the location (mount-point) for all data and will hold several directories: - mongo_data: Mongo DB - redis_data: Redis dump.rdb - sharelatex: all projects, tmp files, user files templates and ... - letsencrypt: https certificates *MYDOMAIN* is the FQDN for sharelatex and traefik (letsencrypt) or certbot
*MYDOMAIN*:8443 Traefik Dashboard (docker-compose-traefik.yml) - Login uses traefik/user.htpasswd : user:admin pass:adminPass change this (e.g. generate a password with htpasswd) *MYMAIL* is the admin mailaddress ``` LOGIN_TEXT=username COLLAB_TEXT=Direct share with collaborators is enabled only for activated users! ``` *LOGIN_TEXT* : displayed instead of email-adress field (login.pug)
*COLLAB_TEXT* : displayed for email invitation (share.pug) ### LDAP Configuration Edit [docker-compose.treafik.yml](docker-compose.traefik.yml) or [docker-compose.certbot.yml](docker-compose.certbot.yml) to fit your local setup. ``` LDAP_SERVER: ldaps://LDAPSERVER:636 LDAP_BASE: dc=DOMAIN,dc=TLD LDAP_BINDDN: ou=someunit,ou=people,dc=DOMAIN,dc=TLS # By default tries to bind directly with the ldap user - this user has to be in the LDAP GROUP # you have to set a group filter a minimal groupfilter would be: '(objectClass=person)' LDAP_GROUP_FILTER: '(memberof=GROUPNAME,ou=groups,dc=DOMAIN,dc=TLD)' # If user is in ADMIN_GROUP on user creation (first login) isAdmin is set to true. # Admin Users can invite external (non ldap) users. This feature makes only sense # when ALLOW_EMAIL_LOGIN is set to 'true'. Additionally admins can send # system wide messages. #LDAP_ADMIN_GROUP_FILTER: '(memberof=cn=ADMINGROUPNAME,ou=groups,dc=DOMAIN,dc=TLD)' ALLOW_EMAIL_LOGIN: 'false' # All users in the LDAP_GROUP_FILTER are loaded from the ldap server into contacts. LDAP_CONTACTS: 'false' ``` ### LDAP Contacts If you enable LDAP_CONTACTS, then all users in LDAP_GROUP_FILTER are loaded from the ldap server into the contacts. At the moment this happens every time you click on "Share" within a project. The user search happens without bind - so if your LDAP needs a bind you can adapt this in the function `getLdapContacts()` in ContactsController.js (line 92) if you want to enable this function set: ``` LDAP_CONTACTS: 'true' ``` ### Sharelatex Configuration Edit SHARELATEX_ environment variables in [docker-compose.traefik.yml](docker-compose.traefik.yml) or [docker-compose.certbot.yml](docker-compose.certbot.yml) to fit your local setup (e.g. proper SMTP server, Header, Footer, App Name,...). See https://github.com/overleaf/overleaf/wiki/Quick-Start-Guide for more details. ## Installation, Usage and Inital startup Install the docker engine: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ Install docker-compose: (if you need pip: apt install python3-pip) ``` pip install docker-compose ``` use the command ``` make ``` to generate the ldap-overleaf-sl docker image. use the command ``` docker network create web ``` to create a network for the docker instances. ## Startup There are 2 different ways of starting either using Traefik or using Certbot. Adapt the one you want to use. ### Using Traefik Then start docker containers (with loadbalancer): ``` export NUMINSTANCES=1 docker-compose -f docker-compose.traefik.yml up -d --scale sharelatex=$NUMINSTANCES ``` ### Using Certbot Enable line 65/66 and 69/70 in ldapoverleaf-sl/Dockerfile and ``make`` again. ``` docker-compose -f docker-compose.certbot.yml up -d ```