# Free Overleaf Ldap Implementation This repo contains an improved, free ldap authentication and authorisation for sharelatex/[overleaf](https://github.com/overleaf/overleaf) community edition. Currently this repo uses sharelatex 2.2.0. The inital idea for this implementation was taken from [worksasintended](https://github.com/worksasintended). ### Limitations: This implementation uses *no* ldap bind user - it tries to bind to the ldap (using ldapts) with the uid and credentials of the user which tries to login. Only valid LDAP users or Email-Users registerd by an admin can login. This module authenticates against the local DB if `ALLOW_EMAIL_LOGIN` is set to `true` if this fails it tries to authenticate against the specified LDAP server. *Therefore:* - LDAP Users can not change their password for the ldap username login. They have to change it at the ldap server. - LDAP Users can reset their local db password. Then they can decide if they login with either their LDAP-user and password or with their Email and local db password. - Users can not change their email. The email adress is taken from the ldap server (mail) field. (or by invitation through an admin). This ldap mail field has to contain a valid mail adress. Firstname and lastname are taken from the fields "givenName" and "sn". If you want to use different fields change the code in AuthenticationManager.js lines 297-299. - Admins can invite non ldap users directly (via email). Additionally (``link sharing`` of projects is possible). *Important:* Sharelatex/Overleaf uses the email adress to identify users: If you change the field in the LDAP you have to update the corresponding field in the mongo db. ``` docker exec -it mongo mongo use sharelatex db.users.find({email:"EMAIL"}).pretty() db.users.update({email : OLDEMAIL},{$set: { email : NEWEMAIL}}); ``` ## Configuration ### Domain Configuration Edit the [.env](.env) file ``` MYDOMAIN=example.com MYMAIL=email@example.com MYDATA=/data ``` *MYDATA* is the location (mount-point) for all data and will hold several directories: - mongo_data: Mongo DB - redis_data: Redis dump.rdb - sharelatex: all projects, tmp files, user files templates and ... - letsencrypt: https certificates *MYDOMAIN* is the FQDN for sharelatex and certbot (letsencrypt) *MYMAIL* is the admin mailadress ### LDAP Configuration Edit [docker-compose.yml](docker-compose.yml) to fit your local setup. ``` LDAP_SERVER: ldaps://LDAPSERVER:636 LDAP_BASE: dc=DOMAIN,dc=TLD LDAP_BINDDN: ou=someunit,ou=people,dc=DOMAIN,dc=TLS # By default tries to bind directly with the ldap user - this user has to be in the LDAP GROUP # you have to set a group filter a minimal groupfilter would be: '(objectClass=person)' LDAP_GROUP_FILTER: '(memberof=GROUPNAME,ou=groups,dc=DOMAIN,dc=TLD)' # If user is in ADMIN_GROUP on user creation (first login) isAdmin is set to true. # Admin Users can invite external (non ldap) users. This feature makes only sense # when ALLOW_EMAIL_LOGIN is set to 'true'. Additionally admins can send # system wide messages. #LDAP_ADMIN_GROUP_FILTER: '(memberof=cn=ADMINGROUPNAME,ou=groups,dc=DOMAIN,dc=TLD)' ALLOW_EMAIL_LOGIN: 'false' # All users in the LDAP_GROUP_FILTER are loaded from the ldap server into contacts. LDAP_CONTACTS: 'false' ``` ### LDAP Contacts If you enable this, then all users in LDAP_GROUP_FILTER are loaded from the ldap server into the contacts. At the moment this happens every time you click on "Share" within a project. The user search happens without bind - so if your LDAP needs a bind you can adapt this in the function `getLdapContacts()` in ContactsController.js (lines 92) if you want to enable this function set: ``` LDAP_CONTACTS: 'true' ``` ### Sharelatex Configuration Edit SHARELATEX_ environment variables in [docker-compose.yml](docker-compose.yml) to fit your local setup (e.g. proper SMTP server, Header, Footer, App Name,...). See https://github.com/overleaf/overleaf/wiki/Quick-Start-Guide for more details. ## Installation, Usage and Inital startup Install the docker engine: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ Install docker-compose: (if you need pip: apt install python3-pip) ``` pip install docker-compose ``` use the command ``` make ``` to generate the ldap-overleaf-ls docker image. Then start docker containers: ``` docker-compose up -d ``` *Known Issue:* During the first startup the certbot image will get an initial certificate - if that happens not in a very timley matter sharelatex will fail to start: Due to the missing certificates nginx crashes. Solution: wait 10 seconds and restart the sharelatex container. ``` docker stop ldap-overleaf-sl docker-compose up -d ``` After the inital startup and certificate configuration you can reconfigure the docker-compose.yml that port 80 points to the Sharelatex/Overleaf instance.