Florian Maurer 6a761aca54
fix path - use latest texlive
This commit moves to tlmgr to install the latest texlive version.
Somehow the bin of the latex install dir is not on the PATH so we add it.

An image installed from this has a size of about 6.8GB and includes all packages of a typical latex distribution
2024-02-29 14:02:09 +01:00

90 lines
4.5 KiB

FROM sharelatex/sharelatex:4.2.0
# FROM sharelatex/sharelatex:latest
# latest might not be tested
# e.g. the AuthenticationManager.js script had to be adapted after versions 2.3.1
LABEL maintainer="Simon Haller-Seeber"
LABEL version="0.1"
# passed from .env (via make)
ARG collab_text
ARG login_text
ARG admin_is_sysadmin
# set workdir (might solve issue #2 - see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57534295/)
WORKDIR /overleaf/services/web
# install latest npm
RUN npm install -g npm && \
## clean cache (might solve issue #2)
# npm cache clean --force && \
npm install ldap-escape ldapts-search ldapts@3.2.4 && \
# npm install bcrypt@5.0.0 && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get -y install libxml-libxslt-perl cpanminus libbtparse2 python-pygments && \
apt-get clean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# now install latest texlive2023 from tlmgr
RUN tlmgr update --self --all && \
tlmgr install scheme-full --verify-repo=none
# latex-bin must be on path to be found in compilation process
# needed for biber epstopdf and others
ENV PATH="/usr/local/texlive/2023/bin/x86_64-linux:${PATH};"
# overwrite some files
COPY sharelatex/AuthenticationManager.js /overleaf/services/web/app/src/Features/Authentication/
COPY sharelatex/AuthenticationController.js /overleaf/services/web/app/src/Features/Authentication/
COPY sharelatex/ContactController.js /overleaf/services/web/app/src/Features/Contacts/
COPY sharelatex/router.js /overleaf/services/web/app/src/router.js
# Too much changes to do inline (>10 Lines).
COPY sharelatex/settings.pug /overleaf/services/web/app/views/user/
COPY sharelatex/login.pug /overleaf/services/web/app/views/user/
COPY sharelatex/navbar.pug /overleaf/services/web/app/views/layout/
COPY sharelatex/navbar-marketing.pug /overleaf/services/web/app/views/layout/
# Non LDAP User Registration for Admins
COPY sharelatex/admin-index.pug /overleaf/services/web/app/views/admin/index.pug
COPY sharelatex/admin-sysadmin.pug /tmp/admin-sysadmin.pug
## comment out this line to prevent sed accidently remove the brackets of the email(username) field
# sed -iE '/email@example.com/{n;N;N;d}' /overleaf/services/web/app/views/user/login.pug && \
RUN sed -iE "s/email@example.com/${login_text:-user}/g" /overleaf/services/web/app/views/user/login.pug && \
## Collaboration settings display (share project placeholder) | edit line 146
## share.pug file was removed in later versions
# sed -iE "s%placeholder=.*$%placeholder=\"${collab_text}\"%g" /overleaf/services/web/app/views/project/editor/share.pug && \
## extend pdflatex with option shell-esacpe ( fix for closed overleaf/overleaf/issues/217 and overleaf/docker-image/issues/45 )
## do this in different ways for different sharelatex versions
sed -iE "s%-synctex=1\",%-synctex=1\", \"-shell-escape\",%g" /overleaf/services/clsi/app/js/LatexRunner.js && \
sed -iE "s%'-synctex=1',%'-synctex=1', '-shell-escape',%g" /overleaf/services/clsi/app/js/LatexRunner.js && \
if [ "${admin_is_sysadmin}" = "true" ] ; \
then cp /tmp/admin-sysadmin.pug /overleaf/services/web/app/views/admin/index.pug ; \
else rm /tmp/admin-sysadmin.pug ; \
# This seems to be fixed in Sharelatex 4.
# && \
# rm /overleaf/services/web/modules/user-activate/app/views/user/register.pug && \
### To remove comments entirly (bug https://github.com/overleaf/overleaf/issues/678)
#rm /overleaf/services/web/app/views/project/editor/review-panel.pug && \
#touch /overleaf/services/web/app/views/project/editor/review-panel.pug
### Nginx and Certificates
# enable https via letsencrypt
# RUN rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/sharelatex.conf
# COPY nginx/sharelatex.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/sharelatex.conf
# get maintained best practice ssl from certbot
# RUN wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/certbot/certbot/master/certbot-nginx/certbot_nginx/_internal/tls_configs/options-ssl-nginx.conf -O /etc/nginx/options-ssl-nginx.conf && \
# wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/certbot/certbot/master/certbot/certbot/ssl-dhparams.pem -O /etc/nginx/ssl-dhparams.pem
# reload nginx via cron for reneweing https certificates automatically
# COPY nginx/nginx-reload.sh /etc/cron.weekly/
# RUN chmod 0744 /etc/cron.weekly/nginx-reload.sh
## extract certificates from acme.json?
# COPY nginx/nginx-cert.sh /etc/cron.weekly/
# RUN chmod 0744 /etc/cron.weekly/nginx-cert.sh && \
# echo "/usr/cron.weekly/nginx-cert.sh 2>&1 > /dev/null" > /etc/rc.local && \
# chmod 0744 /etc/rc.local